The executives of AUTOHI were full of passion, and before the meeting even began, they had already stood on both sides of the conference room door. The sound of music and applause intertwined, warmly welcoming the AUTOHI family members who were attending the meeting. The family members were moved and happy, sitting in their seats one after another, waiting for the start of the meeting.
The meeting officially begins: first, each family member will engage in PK rewards and punishments with their opponents or themselves.
The winner of the December morning meeting host is Teacher Zhimin, and I would like to give her a warm round of applause.
Each department director carries department members to summarize the performance in December, looks forward to the January plan, and the mission must be achieved. Model soldiers share their own experiences, full of confidence, set this month's work goals, motivate each other, and their faces are filled with youthful smiles.
Following that, we entered the award ceremony. The top performer in terms of cumulative sales profit growth in December was Ms. Shi Meng. Everyone gave her a warm round of applause, hoping that Ms. Shi Meng would win the first place again in January. There were also other top five performers in terms of cumulative sales profit growth,
They have also put in a lot of effort and sweat to rank the growth of the business department's shipments and logistics. Let's keep cheering for them!
Finally, amidst the passionate slogans of all the family members, the two-hour AUTOHI Monthly meeting successfully completed all the agenda items. With the warm farewell of all the executives, the meeting was successfully concluded.